Clearing land, cleaning up trees from past storms, getting ahead of the weeds and brush while the lawn is dry, establishing a garden, etc. we’ve got what you need to get the job done right. We also have a wide selection of lawn equipment ready to meet your needs for your new home, mower upgrade or replacement.
Annual Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce Fall Color Tour
Sunday, October 13, 2019 from 12 – 5PM
Rouch Outdoor Openhouse and drawing for a free leaf blower
Look at the fall colors from the cupola atop the family home
Lazy Man BBQ will be selling their variety of pork goodies
Activites, refreshments, hayrides, variety of vendors with Bee products, sewing and crocheting creations, silverware bracelets, wood heirloom gifts, sweater mittens, pottery, Pampered Chef, De Terra Essential Oils, community info, Muwendo Children’s Choir will perform parts of their concert throughout late afternoon. Items for sale to support people in Uganda and items from Muwendo Children’s Choir. (Come meet see these children and encourage your church or organization to host one of their full concerts.)
This is a fun filled day not only at Rouch Outdoor but filled with many other possible stops to stop and enjoy throughout the day.
Visit Chamber of Commerce website for further information concerning the Color Tour and other stops
Fuel Tips from TORO
Click on the link to read more helpful tips.
Toro offers the following preventive maintenance tips to minimize fuel system issues with outdoor power equipment…
Purchase only the amount of fuel that will be used in 30 days
Warm days are coming and so is the need for your lawn and garden equipment
Is your lawn and garden equipment ready to work for you this coming season?
If you’re a gardener you’re probably already making plans for tilling up the ground for your planting season. Now is the time to bring in garden equipment to stay on your tilling and planting schedule.
Lawn mowing typically begins 1st week of May. The warmer days in March provide perfect opportunities to start up equipment that has been stored over the winter to make sure things are running properly. Equipment that comes to our shop before April 1st will be ready for the intended season of use. Now is the time to get ahead of the mowing rush to get any necessary replacement parts, tune-ups, or have any current issues fixed. Lawn mowing typically begins 1st week of May. The warmer days in March provide perfect opportunities to start up equipment that has been stored over the winter to make sure things are running properly. Equipment that comes to our shop before April 1st will be ready for the intended season of use. Now is the time to get ahead of the mowing rush to get any necessary replacement parts, tune-ups, or have any current issues fixed.
If you’re a gardener you’re probably already making plans for tilling up the ground for your planting season. Now is the time to bring in garden equipment to stay on your tilling and planting schedule.
Helpful Tip: Use clean and fresh fuel. Keeping your gas cans sealed with a cap keeps debris, dirt, and bugs out of your can but most importantly out of your equipment so they can’t cause future running problems with your equipment.
We Are Just One of the Various Stops in the Three Rivers Area Fall Color
Come out and see us tomorrow, Sunday, October 14, 2018 from 12- 5 PM. Looks like it’s going to be a beautiful fall day!
Browse equipment (no sales during color tour), enter drawing for free leaf blower, bounce house, mini treat and refreshments, hayride, view the fall colors from the cupola, and we still sell duck. Come out and see these vendors/community members as well:
Lazy Man Barbeque
doTerra Oils
Lulu’s Bakery
Heirloom Gifts and Silverware Garden Art
Pottery Demo
Summer is half gone….
The dry grass came in July and for most that meant a break in mowing or at least your mowing time may have seemed to cut back. If you missed the preseason opportunity to have your equipment tuned up July and August are another good opportunity to get the necessary tune-up to keep your equipment running well or fix that problem that was able to wait. Tune-ups are not necessary every year but they do add to the life of your equipment.
Helpful Tip: Blowing your equipment off with forced air helps keep your mower running cooler and free of debris that can clog around belts, get blown into the gas tank and cause other parts to be affected, and keep parts from running efficiently.
Spring is Here
Spring is here and time to get the lawn equipment ready. The grass will be growing soon.