Annual Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce Fall Color Tour

Sunday, October 13, 2019 from 12 – 5PM

Rouch Outdoor Openhouse and drawing for a free leaf blower

Look at the fall colors from the cupola atop the family home

Lazy Man BBQ will be selling their variety of pork goodies

Activites, refreshments, hayrides, variety of vendors with Bee products, sewing and crocheting creations, silverware bracelets, wood heirloom gifts, sweater mittens, pottery, Pampered Chef, De Terra Essential Oils, community info, Muwendo Children’s Choir will perform parts of their concert throughout late afternoon. Items for sale to support people in Uganda and items from Muwendo Children’s Choir. (Come meet see these children and encourage your church or organization to host one of their full concerts.)

This is a fun filled day not only at Rouch Outdoor but filled with many other possible stops to stop and enjoy throughout the day.

Visit Chamber of Commerce website for further information concerning the Color Tour and other stops
